St. John's SNS Arklow

3rd Class January/February

3rd Class January/February

3rd Class January/February

We have had a very busy start to 2022 in 3rd class and everyone has been working extremely hard over the past few weeks.


During our guided reading sessions, we have been focusing on the comprehension strategies of determining importance and then clarifying during the month of February. These comprehension strategies involve identifying important information in our reading and clarifying new words encountered in our texts.

In our writing, we have been exploring narrative writing. We looked at different examples of this genre and identified key features and structure. We read stories such as Little Red Riding Hood as well as some of Chris O’ Dowd’s stories online to help us to better understand how a narrative should be written. We helped our teachers create a whole class narrative story on the board as well as working with a partner to create a narrative story together.

We then set to work on devising our own individual narratives and used a story board and graphic organiser to help us plan the different parts to our narratives, ensuring that there was a beginning, middle and end. We wrote drafts of our stories which we later edited for any mistakes and changes before finally publishing these in our very best handwriting. Our teachers were very pleased with all the effort put into the publishing of our writing.

We have also continued our fantastic work on our cursive handwriting and some more children have received their very well deserved pen licences.


3rd class have covered lots of different maths topics over the past couple of months.

We started with money and decimals in January. We worked hard at ordering and counting in decimals and converting decimals to fractions. We enjoyed using lots of different concrete materials to explore these concepts, especially to help us with problem-solving. We learned how to convert cents to euro and vice versa as well as how to add and subtract different amounts of money.

We then moved onto the topic of time in February. We practised telling the time on both analogue and digital clocks. We will continue to work on this throughout the year, but our teachers are so proud of our persistence throughout this challenging topic! We practised converting hours to minutes and vice versa. We also explored addition and subtraction of time which came in very useful when reading timetables and using our critical thinking skills for problem-solving. We really enjoyed our lines and angles hunt around the school where we identified different lines and angles in our school environment.


Táimid ag foghlaim faoi An Aimsir, an Siopadadoireacht , Caitheamh Aimsire agus An t-Earrach le cúpla mí anuas.

Táim in ann na ceisteanna seo a fhreagairt:

  1. Cén sórt aimsir atá ann? Tá sé grianmhar/te/fuar/scamallach/gaofar srl.
  2. An bhfuil caitheamh aimsire agat? Tá caitheamh aimsire agam.
  3. Cén caitheamh aimsire atá agat? Is maith liom a bheith ag _____.
  4. An féidir leat ____ a imirt? Is/Ní féidir liom ____ a imirt.

Tá a lán foclóir nua againn freisin, mar shampla: gianmhar, gaofar, scamallach, te, fuar, ag cur báisti, ag cur sneachta, bogha báistí, peil, peil Gaelach, sacar, cispheil, ag snámh, ag léamh, ag damhsa, ag scríobh srl.

Táimid ag úsáid a lán Gaeilge neamhfhoirmiúil freisin cosúil le:

  • Dia duit agus tá fáilte romhait
  • Conas atá tú?
  • Slán leat agus go raibh maith agat
  • An bhfuil cead agam dúl go dtí an leithreas/bosca bruscair?
  • An bhfuil cead agam deoch/ peann/ rialóir a fháil?
  • Conas a litríonn tú _____?
  • Cén leathanach?

Other subjects

In History, we discovered a lot about the life of the great Irish explorer Tom Crean. We sequenced some of the different events in Tom’s life and made story boards about this.

In Geography, we learned all about the Antarctica – it’s location, climate and all about the animals that inhabit it, such as the emperor penguins and polar bears.

For Science, we learned about energy and forces and then we working in groups to plan and design our very own marbles mazes, which we had great fun in trialling when we had finished our creations.

In SPHE, we learned about how to be safe online and how important it is during Safer Internet Day. We also continued with our Stay Safe lessons.

In PE, we really enjoyed outdoor adventure and orienteering activities. We had great fun going on sensory and shape trails around the school yard. We really enjoyed working in small groups to find and piece together parts of jigsaw puzzles and photographs.

Finally, in Art, we created some super Polar Bear pictures, winter sky mosaics, paper weaving penguins, Valentines inspired ‘heart art’ as well as spring window boxes.

Ms Doyle, Ms Jameson, Ms Woodbyrne and Ms Synnott would like to say well done to everyone for their fantastic work over the past two months. Keep up the great work everyone!

3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February3rd Class January/February
Jan 17
Non-Uniform Day
Jan 31
Non-Uniform Day
Feb 03
February Bank Holiday
Feb 14
Non-Uniform Day
Coolgreaney Rd, Yardland, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
0402 32545
© 2025 St. John's SNS Arklow