St. John's SNS Arklow

3rd Class January News

3rd Class January News
3rd Class January News

Our return to school after the Christmas break is looking a little different to what we had hoped for in 3rd class. However, the children in all four classes are making a great effort with remote learning on Google Classroom! The 3rd class teachers are so impressed with the children's determination to continue their learning from home!



This term we will be working on the Narrative Writing genre. We have begun by exploring the five very important parts of a piece of Narrative Writing; Title, Orientation (Setting), Beginning Event (Complication), Resolution (Solution) and Ending. We even designed our own poster to help us remember each part!


We have enjoyed reading our Guided Reading books to our family members at home this month! We have continued to make predictions, connections and visualisations as we know that by doing so, it helps us to understand what we are reading. This month, we have been working on determining the importance of a piece of text. We know that this helps us to pick out the most important pieces of information in the text.


This month we have been working on the topic of data! We have enjoyed creating pictograms, block graphs and bar charts based on information collected! We even challenged ourselves to create questions for our teachers based on the block graphs and bar charts that we drew!! In 3rd class we are continuing to learn our tables. This month we began learning X3 tables. Our teachers are very impressed with the effort we are making to skip count in 3's in both directions!


Ba é ‘An Scoil’ an téama a bhí againn i rith mí Eanáir. Bhíomar ag foghlaim na seomraí sa scoil agus an amhrán 'Beidh Aonach Amárach i gContae an Chláir.'

Anois, táim in ann na ceisteanna seo a fhreagairt:

  • An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí...?
  • An féidir leat...? Is féidir liom...

Other subjects

In history we have been learning all about how schools have changed and have stayed the same. We were amazed to find out, following an interview with an older person at home, that there was a fireplace in the classroom for heating! We made excellent predictions as to how schools might change in the future. It's important to remember that we are part of this important topic of history too and that we might be interviewed in the future about the big change we've all experienced in our learning over the last year!

In S.P.H.E. we have been exploring the topic of healthy eating. We enjoyed identifying healthy foods that we will fill our lunchboxes with when we return to school soon! We even took photographs of healthy meals we are enjoying to prepare and eat at home!

Well done to all of the children in 3rd class (and parents/guardians!) in their efforts with distance learning during the month of January! We are all looking forward to the return to school when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, keep up the great work!

Ms. Breen, Ms. Jameson, Ms. L. Doyle and Ms. Woodbyrne.

3rd Class January News3rd Class January News3rd Class January News3rd Class January News3rd Class January News
Jan 17
Non-Uniform Day
Jan 31
Non-Uniform Day
Feb 03
February Bank Holiday
Feb 14
Non-Uniform Day
Coolgreaney Rd, Yardland, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
0402 32545
© 2025 St. John's SNS Arklow