October has been an action packed month for all, here is an overview of what we have learned this month in 3rd:
Reading: We have been continuing to work hard at making predictions in our guided reading and we have also learned to make connections with what we are reading. We have been making connections to the text being read, to ourselves, other texts as well as to the outside world. We know that making connections helps us to better understand the books we are reading.
Writing: This month we have continued to work on the genre of recount writing as well as moving on to study report writing too. Having spent a lot of time becoming familiar with the features of recount writing, we set to work making plans for our own recount stories. We then used our plans to write our own individual recount pieces.
Oral Language:
We have been having great fun trying out our new tongue twisters - Buy blue blueberry biscuits before bedtime and Cooks cook cupcakes quickly.
Poems: We are really enjoying our poetry time. This month, we have learned 2 poems –
‘I bought a Maserati’ and ‘Hallowe’en is nearly here’
We have been very busy in our maths this past month. We have learned how to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We then used this knowledge of rounding to help us to come up with estimates to a variety of addition and subtraction problems. We have enjoyed using our mini-whiteboards to help us in our maths lessons, such as practising our rounding, solving word problems and also for practising our x4 tables. The teachers are so proud of how hard the children in 3rd Class are working to learn their tables. Well done!
Táimid ag caint faoi ‘Sa Bhaile’ ag an am seo.
Táim in ann na ceisteanna seo a fhreagairt:
- Cé mhéad seomra atá i do theach?
- Cé mhéad seomra atá thuas staighre/thíos staighre?
- Cad atá cearr?
- Cén dath atá ar …. An fhuinneog..an leaba?...
- Cá bhfuil an leaba, an cófra, an várdrús…?
Bhíomar ag léamh an scéal nua ‘Ag Glanadh an Tí’.
Other subjects
In our S.E.S.E, we learned about the different types of homes people live in, such as detached semi –detached, terraced houses as well as apartments caravans and cottages. We discovered more about the work that is involved in designing and building a house. We learned about the important roles of engineers, architects, builders, electricians and plumbers, to name but a few! We even brainstormed and wrote about what our dream home would look like.
In our Music lessons, we have had great fun listening and responding to a wide range of music, such as music by the Beatles and the Jackson 5. ‘Don’t Blame it on the Boogie’ proved to be a firm favourite amongst the majority of children in 3rd class.
Take a look at the photographs to see how creative we are in 3rd Class!
Well done to all of the 3rd Class children and keep up the hard work next term.
Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh go léir!!
Mrs. Kavanagh, Ms. Jameson, Ms. Woodbyrne and Ms. L. Doyle.