St. John's SNS Arklow

Sport and Partnerships in our school

At St. John’s S.N.S, we believe that sport is hugely beneficial to the children. Through sport, we aim to develop their physical skills, encourage them to partake in exercise, make new friends, have fun, and improve self-esteem and mental health.


We have a very active sports programme, with activities taking place both within school and in after-school clubs. We focus on participation and enjoyment while also promoting individual and team games within competitive structures. We have strong links with our local sports clubs and coaches, in particular, the soccer, rugby and GAA clubs. This promotes the importance of physical activity outside of school. The children at St. John’s SNS are extremely fortunate to be able to participate in all the following areas:

  • Agility
Outdoor and adventure activities
  • Athletics
  • Basketball
  • Dance
  • Gaelic Football
  • Games
  • Gymnastics


At the beginning of the 2019/20 school year, we joined the GAA 5 Star Centre initiative which aims to support and recognise Primary Schools that provide pupils with 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous Gaelic Games activity per week in a manner that ensures the children will experience fun, friendship, fairness and ultimately improve their fitness. Recognition as a “GAA 5 Star Centre” is awarded to Primary Schools that deliver a programme of Gaelic Games activity that is age-appropriate and meets the developmental needs of children within the school. In order to receive recognition as a “GAA 5 Star Centre” a Primary School must provide for the flexible delivery of the following activities over the course of a school-year:

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It is our intention to gain recognition as a 'GAA 5 Start Centre' by the end of the year and if successful, we will also receive a GAA 5 Star Centre Flag.

We have been assisted along the way by coaches from Arklow Geraldines Ballymoney in driving the initiative forward and in return, they received great support from the children as they prepared for the Wicklow Senior Football Final.

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Players from AGB Senior Men's football team visiting our school ahead of the senior county championship final in October 2019

- Video - Chant for AGB’s County Final

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Cumann na mBunscol

Every year, the boys and girls of St. John’s S.N.S participate in the Cumann na mBunscol Gaelic Football league.

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We are very lucky to have Barney Hynes from Leinster Rugby, who delivers high quality coaching sessions and organises blitzes for the children throughout the year.

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Arklow is renowned for soccer so the children love when the FAI coaches arrive to deliver fabulous training sessions. We are also very fortunate to have Larry Cullen, who helps to organise the St. John’s Summer Soccer League every year.

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Sports Day

Our annual Sports Day is a very important day in the school calendar where the children get the chance to showcase their sporting ability while also having lots of fun.

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Other Activities

Dance and Agility training are just some of the other activities the children have the opportunity to take part in and enjoy.

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At present, we are looking to achieve ‘Active School’ status. The Active School Flag (ASF) is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. Here at St. John’s we believe that we are well on the way to winning this great honour, with our full schedule of activities available for our students before, during and after school!

Our ASF committee works extremely hard, liaising with teachers, students and parents to make sure that we all learn to be more active in our teaching and learning. [LINK TO ACTIVE SCHOOLS WEB-PAGE]

It is our aim, through the ‘Space to Play’ campaign, to have access to a state of the art general hall for the purposes of Physical Education which will enhance the children’s sporting experience for years to come. [LINK TO SPACE TO PLAY WEB-PAGE]

Feb 14
Non-Uniform Day
Feb 17
February Mid-Term
Mar 07
Non-Uniform Day
Mar 17
St Patrick's Day Bank Holiday
Coolgreaney Rd, Yardland, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
0402 32545
© 2025 St. John's SNS Arklow