Discover Primary Science
St. John’s SNS are working towards an award for Discover Primary Science and Maths for the fifth year in a row. Teachers and pupils from all classes are conducting experiments, researching science and learning how to code. In September the four 3rd classes were taken on a science and foraging walk in Glenart Woods. Classes from 4th to 6th had speakers from SSE Electricity who taught interactive lessons on renewable energy.
In January, 6th class was taken to the RDS for the BT Young Scientists Exhibition and in March, 6th class were invited to the library for Engineer’s Week.
The work involved in Discover Primary Science is ongoing and will be submitted for adjudication later in the year. https://www.sfi.ie/engagement/discover-primary-science-and-maths/
Speaker from SSE Electricity

5th Class designed and created windmills. They tested these under varying conditions and recorded the results.

Winners of Science Week Quiz November 2019

3rd Class foraging in Glenart Woods with expert Patrick Hunt

4th Class learning to code

6th Class at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition 2020