St. John's SNS Arklow

First Aid

First Aid

First Aid Club runs during the summer term for 5th and 6th classes after school.

During the 6 weeks the children learn how to call the emergency services and basic first aid skills. They get the opportunity to ask questions and learn about some common emergencies they might come across such as fainting, sprained / broken limbs alongside cuts and bruises. The children learn to identify the causes of some of these injuries and what kind of questions they should ask their patient. They get the opportunity to practice some practical First aid such as the recovery position and putting on bandages. The children participate in group work where they must work as a team to help their casualty.

First Aid club will start back up again in May 2021.

Sep 27
Non-Uniform Day
Oct 11
Non-Uniform Day
Oct 25
Non-Uniform Day
Oct 28
Mid-term break
Coolgreaney Rd, Yardland, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
0402 32545
© 2024 St. John's SNS Arklow