Opening and closing times:
9.05am - 2.45pm
For the children's safety no parents are allowed on yard
Supervision is from 8.55am. Ideal time for arrival is 9am
On wet mornings the children will be collected from the yard at 8.55am and supervised in the hall/ classrooms
If you are collecting your child from school you should be at the gates no later than 2.45pm
The school cannot accept responsibility for children arriving before the official opening time of the school or remaining in the school grounds after school
Regular attendance and punctuality are very important to your children's education
Communication with the school
- Main point of contact is the school journal- there is a plastic cover for notes to be put inside
- Aladdin Connect/ email- always inform us of change of number and address
- We may also call you on the phone. Inform us of any changes in phone numbers. It is essential that we can contact one of the numbers provided in the cases of illness/ emergency
- All class teachers use class dojo
- Newsletter is sent out via email and published on our website
- Make appointments to see teacher or principal through secretary’s office.
- Please only call the school with a message for your child in the case of an emergency as the phone needs to be free for school business
Visiting the school during the school day and Child Protection
- There are no car parking facilities for parents. Please park responsibly
- Please always call to the front door of the school- buzzer system for children's safety. Ring the bell and tell the adult who you are. Passing children cannot allow access to visitors, including parents. Please don’t give access to others
- You must go to the secretary’s office with messages or when collecting/ returning your child- visitors are not permitted to call to classrooms
- Children should only be collected early for medical or other necessary appointments as this is disruptive to classes. You must sign your child out with the secretary if they are leaving early and back in if they are returning
- If someone other than you the parent/ guardian is collecting your child during the school day you need to inform the school in advance
- Under 18s are not allowed to collect your child during the school day
- If your child gets home at the end of the school day and realise they have forgotten something they cannot return to the school due to Health and Safety
- White shirt/ polo shirt, navy round neck jumper with school crest on the left front, grey trousers/ short trousers or red kilt, black supportive footwear.
- P.E.- as above except with plain navy tracksuit bottoms/ shorts and any colour supportive runners.
- The school uniform must be worn an all school days other than on P.E. days
- For Health and Safety reasons the only jewellery allowed are watches and stud earrings. Any form of false nail is not allowed
- Make up and false tan are not allowed
- Long hair should be tied back neatly to avoid the spreading of headlice